As everybody knows we are living a confinement situation by the “famous” virus. We expect to finish it asap, but meantime I need to emphasize some important details.

One of this is the time. If you are working at home or even you cannot work because work at home is impossible. It is mean more time available. I know that we are tired of being in home. Until our goverments tell us we can return to our normal life, we do not have choice on this subject.

But, we can choose and decide on the topic about manage our time. This time is available for us. Maybe now it is time to get a videocall with this friend that you have not speak long time ago. Maybe it time to build this project inside your head that never begin because of time. In essence, Maybe it is time to improve yourself and maybe it is an oportunity to do it (Considering all the personal and familiar circunstance).

I am not telling that it is easy or straightfoward. I am just telling you that the oportunity is available. You decide how you spend your time.

“Please, stay at home! ¡Por favor, quédate en casa!”