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Local cloud using Docker
Updating my backup policies. I have included a new one: a local cloud.
Communication, a critical soft skill
We talk a lot of algorithms, design patterns, news … etc. However there is a critical soft skill that I would like to talk: Communication.
Pay attention, get ready for phising
Yesterday I received a phising email. The message tried to simulate an email from Microsoft, related to my Teams account, that was blocked after too many atempt to login.
Coming back
Since several months performing several important tasks, I am here again. These months have been, and they are being really important for me. But it is time to continue this way writing this blog.
ChatGPT free course
OpenAI, ChatGPT’s creators, has launched a free course of its own tool.
I would like to know it when I was an undergraduate student (II)
This is the second part of the last post related to your university period. These are my opinions based on my own experience while I was a undergraduate student.
I would like to know it when I was an undergraduate student
This is the post that I would like to read when I was an undergraduate student specially during my first year at the university.
Developers and IT people are two of the main groups affected by stress, anxiety and other issues that if we do not manage them properly can impact in our personal life.
The New Year
Happy new year 2023! I hope that this year you will achieve all your goals. With constancy and effort everything is possible. So let’s go for it!
Night light, protect your vision
As software developers we must take care of our health. It is strongly recommended to practice sport (You can find some recommended Youtube channels on this blog), a healthy diet, sleep over 7-8 hours each day etc. However beside these common recommendations, there is another one to consider, active night light in our OS.
Optimize your laptop battery
Battery consume has been one of the issue, if not the unique, during my student period at university. I got an exam of a subject called AI agent development that allow us to use our own laptop before a previous check by our lecture to ensure that you do not have internet access.
How can I revert a commit in git
Imagine, you have completed your task successfully. All the tests work properly without problems at the first time (Remember, I have said: ‘Imagine’ :D ) and you perform a commit into team repo’s git. However you find an issue in your code and your code has been commited in the repo. Ok, Relax! you can fix it!
The Clean Coder
Some months ago I read The Clean Coder from Robert C. Martin aka “Uncle Bob”. We can consider this book like an “ethical guide” for developers. The book shows us several situation based on the author’s experience that I consider really useful for developers on their early career and maybe for others more experienced.
The next step
As song Parasiempre said “There is nothing forever” So I finish a professional period to begin a new one. Nobody knows where can appears a new oportunity. As I always say it is mandatory keep learning new languages, algorithms, design patterns … without forget our personal life.
Customize your Github account
Happy new year! Hackernoon has published this post that shows us how to get an awesome github presentation into our own github account. I think is a fantastic oportunity to customize your account. So feel free to take use it and get a rockstart github profile!
The New Year
Happy new year! I hope that this year you will achieve all your goals. With constancy and effort everything is possible. So let’s go for it!
The Clean Coder
Finally I have read The Clean Coder. As Clean Code, The Clean Coder was written by the same author.
This book could be read during undergraduated period. Its ethical focus, proffesionalism concept, pressure management etc must be mandatory to know for everybody during the first year at University.
This will let to know to the students how they would act in their proffesional careers and even with their partner during group practical exercises. This book will open your mind and let you to reconsiders many aspects of your job.
Ok, the book contains some personal situation from the author. This does not mean that I cannot be useful. Just read it, take the lesson that could help you and improve your knowledge and job wisely.
Advent of Code 2021 is coming
Advent of Code 2021 edition is coming. Based on the info available in Wikipedia: “Advent of Code is an annual set of Christmas-themed computer programming challenges that follow an Advent calendar and can be solved using any programming language.”
I take part on the two previous edition 2019 and 2020. This is an interesting and challenger experience that I am sure that a lot of coders will enjoy it. Just feel free to choose your favourite language and let’s go!
The event will begin on December 1st. Each challenge contains two parts. They can be unlocked step by step. Once you finish an exercise you will get a string that you will need to check in proper web portal. If it is correct you will unlock the next part that usually requires to include/modify your current source code acording to the new requirements.
So if you want to test yourself and also have a fun time. Just go this link: Advent of Code 2021
Clean Code
Finally I have read Clean Code. Clean Code is considered as one of the classic in Software Engineering. It is true that part of the people disagree with the content of this books, because it is considered old, it is an opinion by the author etc.
Personally I think that this is a book useful to do an analysis of our own code and our habits. This is a book that uses Java as mainly and unique language. But I think that its lessons can be applied in other languages, always considering that not all the language are similar. This is a book that emphasizes in testing and meaningful variables names something that it is important to improve our code.
In conclusion, I think that this is a book interested to read even if your opinion is completely different. As any other book, take the lessons you think are best for your professional growth.
Legacy C first compiler
Visiting Hackernews I have found this interesting link
It is one of the initial C compiler versions. In case of you do not know this language you can check this link
I think that this is an interesting repository because of its historical value.
TelegramBot -
TelegramBot is a project, written in Python 3, to help you to monitor your local network using Telegram API. To do that, TelegramBot reads files generated by Raspberry-Pi-Monitoring-Network
The bot allows you to know the hosts connected into your local network using the command: “/hosts” and the temperature: “/temperature”. There are another “informals” features as: “/weather” that gives you a link to check the weather in Spain or “/hello” that will answer you “Hi, dude” :D
You will need to create your own bot using Fatherbot, see more info here
The project is available on this link . As usual it is free software (GPL 3.0 - License) so feel free to execute it, read it, modify it etc … I hope this project can be helpful to everybody
This morning I have found this interesting post
It mention some advices really important to growth your skills solving problems. However I think it can be applied not only on the mentioned skill, if not it also in other areas of life.
Take care of yourself
Please take care of yourself, as everybody knows we are living another wave of this virus.
This new situation requires us to be more responsible than ever. Nobody knows what will happen on the future. So now we must to keep safe, get a daily routine. If you cannot workout in the gym, you can workout in your home.
Advent of Code 2020
Advent of Code 2020 is started. Today, December 1st 2020 we get available the two first problems.
We will receive daily two problems, the second will be unlocked once the first of them is solved.After the last year experience I can recommend it if you are looking for a challenge.
I have my degree, job is done? - The overarching reality of your career
You have finished your degree, exams, exercise, group tasks etc is the past … and you do not want to use a book again in the rest of your life … It is party time!
Wake up, dude! Job is not done, even if you are a worker! Technology never stops, today Javascript is one of the most populate languages on the world. AngularJS, ReactJS … there are a lot of frameworks. How many other frameworks or languages can be developing right now while you are reading this post?
esLibre 2020 Virtual Congress
esLibre 2020 is a Spanish event for Free Software enthusiasts. This year by the COVID-19 pandemy the event has been performed online using URJC infrastructure (Last year was in Universidad of Granada)
It has been my first time at this event and I really love it. All the meetings were really interested and it has been like a extra motivation to keep learning and searching the great growth of this community.
Scope of a Variable
Recently I watch a piece of code that does not work properly. I reviewed the code, run it but the execution does not works as I expected. I checked the variable that was the issue.
I did not updating the value of one of the variable (an iterator). So my code crashed because the loop was locked in the same position.
Paper and pen
We have one of the biggest resources to code. This resource does not need electricity to work, it is near to us and cheap. I am talking about paper and pen.
Why? It is obvious that all our code is written on the computer. But this code needs data structures, algorithms, design etc. This is where paper and pen play a key role.
How many times we have been stucked on a problem and using paper and pen are able to make an outline and see things more clear? Many times At first we do not like to use it. But trust me, it is a powerfull resource.
When I was a kid I watched on TV a famous football coach use it. Many times I thinked about the reason to use it. Why this man is typing on his notepad during the match?
Now I know it and I am doing the same. Not only for code, even to write ideas or any other thing that I do not want to forget.
Time in Confinement
As everybody knows we are living a confinement situation by the “famous” virus. We expect to finish it asap, but meantime I need to emphasize some important details.
One of this is the time. If you are working at home or even you cannot work because work at home is impossible. It is mean more time available. I know that we are tired of being in home. Until our goverments tell us we can return to our normal life, we do not have choice on this subject.
But, we can choose and decide on the topic about manage our time. This time is available for us. Maybe now it is time to get a videocall with this friend that you have not speak long time ago. Maybe it time to build this project inside your head that never begin because of time. In essence, Maybe it is time to improve yourself and maybe it is an oportunity to do it (Considering all the personal and familiar circunstance).
I am not telling that it is easy or straightfoward. I am just telling you that the oportunity is available. You decide how you spend your time.
We can help | Podemos ayudar
La compañía Nvidia nos ha propuesto que usemos nuestras tarjetas gráficas para ayudar a la investigación del COVID-19 a través de Folding@home
A través de este proyecto de la Universidad de Standford ponemos la potencia hardware de nuestros ordenadores al servicio de la investigación para la lucha contra este virus.
Muchísimos sanitarios, policias, militares, transportistas, agricultores están luchando a diario contra esta pandemia. ¡Debemos colaborar en esta lucha!
Stay at home | Quédate en casa
Estamos viviendo una situación sin predecentes. Muchas personas están sufriendo por culpa de este virus e incluso muchas están muriendo.
Quizás no seas médico o enfermero, yo tampoco. No tenemos elección, tenemos que ayudarlos estando en casa.
Policías, militares … nos están ayudando y también tiene familia al igual que tu, ¡no lo olvides!.
Mamba Mentality
I have read few books that I have liked as much as Mamba Mentality written by Kobe Bryant (may he rest in peace)
Kobe Bryant was known because he was a great basketball player. His statistics are awesome, he was the third player to score more points in NBA, until Lebron James recently surpassed him.
But his success is not a coincidence or “just lucky”. There are a lot of work and sacrifice behind it. He studied the game, improve his game and practice each day, even when he was father. Which brings us an essential factor: time management.
Our days have 24 hours, this is common to all of us. So let’s do some maths: 24 hours/day that’s the same for everyone.
Of those 24 hours, we substract sleep time, eg. 8 hours daily average. So 24 hours/day - 8 hours = 16 hours reamining
Now, we substract work time, 8 hours daily, then 16 hours - 8 hours = 8 hours reamining
We still have eight hours, now let be one hour to eat, one hour for psysiological needs and hygiene and one hour for travel: 8 hours - 3 hours = 5 hours/day for free time.
This 5 hours/day means that you have 5 hours/day * 7 days/week = 35 hours/week, then 35 hours/week * 4 weeks/month = 140 hours/month; 140 hours/month * 12 month/year = 1680 hours/year equals to -> 1680 hours / 24 hours/day = 70 days each year.
Happy new year 2020!
Happy new year 2020!!
Advent of Code 2019
I am participating on the event Advent of Code 2019. It is a programming event where each day from 1 to December 25 a new exercise is release.
You can use the programming language of your choice. If you want to participate, just need to signup with one of the service available on the pages: Github,Google, Twitter or Reddit.
At the moment is being a really good experience.
Continuous Integration
It is mandatory updated your knowledge in Computer Sciences field. The quote: “Renovarse o morir” (Renew or die) is perhaps the best saying to sum up this idea.
One year ago, I found many posts and articles on the Internet mentioning something called: “CI”. I read it several times, So, what is the famous “CI” that appears in these posts? What are these misterious file that are called: “.travis.yml” available in some many Github repos?
CI a.k.a Continuous Integration
Continuous integration was created by Martin Fowler in 2006. Based on this own words, Continuous Integration “is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day.”
After finished my degree, I found many companies used it on this business, we can deduce CI is widely used in the IT industry. Jenkins, TravisCI, Gitlab CI These sound familiar? Yes, These are CI tools. And you can test them for free! It is main that we have a powerful resource for us!
So … Let’s go! Time to get Jenkins.
If you use Debian, this a good link where it show how to install Jenkins on your local system. There is not the only way to use it, you can also get a Docker container and execute Jenkins on it.
If you want to improve, you need discipline
If you want to improve I recommend you read this post
It is the story of how a person can achieve their purposes. There are a lot of post in Internet about it, and this is awesome. However we can forget the main element to achieve your purpose: discipline.
Forget the current discipline concept
I am not joking, forget it. destroy it, eliminate it. The discipline is not punishment. Tell me, if you practice sport each day at the beginning, for example you work out on a gym, firstly you must to warm up and then prepare the bar and the weight and starts your first set of reps. Once you have finish the exercise sets, the next step can be do another exercise, go to a class or if you have completed your routine, it is time to strech the muscle and then get a shower and go home/work/wherever you want.
There are a lot of articles on the Internet about the benefits of playing chess to prevent Alzheimer and improve skills. And that is the point of our interest.
One of the benefits of chess is improvement problem resolution skill. That is true. I began playing chess regularly three years ago. My friend Paco suggest me to download an app mobile phone to play a match. The result was straightfoward, I lose the match. Therefore he told me that it was not easy, our match had over 50-60 movements.
Three years later, I am still playing during my lunch time using another app. This habit has had an impact on my programming skills. Before I played chess, it was harder to me to know how to implement the code. Some years later, after finish my degree and getting more experience I have improve this skill.
Logically I still have a lot to learn. However this is a small advance useful in programming and in our life.
Done - Hacktoberfest
The last month I upload a post about the Hacktoberfest, an international great event about free software.
Today I am very happy to say: I have contributed to an open source project. It has been my first time on an event like this and the experience was awesome.
Maybe you feel unconfortable. Do not hesitate, just get a project you like it and find how can you colaborate. Because, hey each time you do something new you must to learn, you must to develop some new skills it is normal. Just see this blog, it is written by a Spanish thinker. I made some mistakes writting in English, of course.
Just remember, no matter if you fail one time, matters if you do not learn nothing of it.
The next October is the Hacktoberfest, an international great event about free software.
You can be a student or a professional developer, that’s do not care. Everybody is welcome in this free software party, if I can call it like that.
Why I would must to participate?
Because it is a good way to learn. Remember I say “it is a good way to learn” I am not telling that it is easy or challenger, just that it is a good way.
No linear data structures
This afternoon I remembered a subject of my degree. It is called Data Structures. To know the content of the subject is straightfoward.
DefCon27 Material available
DefCon27 finished last week. This event is celebrated every year in Las Vegas (Nevada,USA) and it is one of the greatest events of hacking and cybersecurity on the world.
Aaaaaand there we are, writting a new post and ready to come back to work. After holiday week that I have complete a so really awesome goal.
There is a little hill called El Llano de la Perdiz, here, in Granada (Spain). I heard that the local rugby team usually ran to the top of this hill on its workouts. So the last Monday after a calisthenics workout session as every week I ran to the Alhambra. Every time I do it always I turn to the left to come back running by Cuesta de los Chinos.
But not this Monday, this Monday on the top, near to a famous restaurant (If you live in Granada I am sure that you know it) I think: “It is still early, let’s go to the Llano”
And there we go, just keep running to the top. You can find the cementery and then a 4.5 km way to the top. I thinked that nobody could be so crazy to come, specially a Monday. I could not be more wrong. I found a group of three bikers going to the same place, just one kilometer more I found a man walking and finally on the top and near to a sundial a family on a van (I do not know what are the doing here). During the way, there is a enemy that you need to destroy. Hot? animals? No, our biggest enemy or our biggest ally: our mind. The more powerfull tool of the human. At the moment you conquer your mind, you are unstoppeable.
And finally I arrive. This moment, you feel a deep happiness and the illusion of acomplish your goal. This goal that appears while you are running as each day and if you decline this initial idea, now you are not feeling this wonderfull emotions.
So, what is the interest of this experience with the main subjet of the blog?
Instead of I write a speech, this link is better.
New feature
I was thinking about one of my scripts running in my Raspberry Pi 3. Every hour I receive two e-mails. The first of them is to know how many devices are connected on my local network (more info in the repo).
The second e-mail show me the current temperature of the server, and this is the subject. How can I get more info about the temperature specially now that it is summer time? Well, I am currently working with Python. So I have think that this language could help me and that’s right. Just importing some packages, reading and writing a file and voilà an script that help us to know is the temperature of our device has increase or decrease.
How it’s works? reads a file called temperature.txt that contains the last info about the temperature of our device. After that, we execute the command: vcgencmd measure_temp to get the current temperature. Now just we need to compare the two values to know has changed the temperature and write it on the file to attach it and send by e-mail.
This is an initial idea, if you have any suggestion it’s will be welcome
The last matter about Firefox
The last 4th May all users of Firefox we had a matter with our plugins, more info here
If you can think it, you can code it
When I began my degree, I took the habit of writing down a text file all the ideas (which I considered interesting) that occurred me throughout the day.
A while later, when I read the file, I was surprised because the file has a great number of ideas that can be done with time and patience. This little habit, that’s not require so many time, give us a useful tool to see that we’re more creative that we think. Maybe you can think that an idea can be absurd. But maybe this “stupidity” gives you to another idea that can be cool.
Or unless if you want to make a joke to your friends it’s could be an interesting option :D
Anyway, don’t limit yourself nor don’t subestimate yourself. If you think that you fail, try it again. Nobody born being a genius nor do the right things without make many previous errors.There’s only a way to avoid to make the errors: do nothing and that’s not an reasonable option.
Sport and Programming completely different?
Imagine an developer. The appearance, shape, clothes, computer (or laptop) etc.
Experience at Jornadas de Contratación y Empleo TIC
Today, I was able to go to VIII Jornadas de Contratación y Empleo TIC. We’ve had the chance to know many companies interested in recruiting recent IT graduates. It’s been a very interesting experience, it has allowed me to know more closely the needs of the companies.
Important new about Telegram bots
I was surfing on the net when I found this
MonthEnd new feature - export pdf
Yesterday I release MonthEnd under Apache license.
MonthEnd release!
MonthEnd is an app written in HTML5, CSS3 and AngularJS with the aim of help you to calculate your monthly fixed cost based in your salary.
Mon Propre Projet!
Je pense que c’est magnifique de collaborer sur des projets open source. Mais je pense aussi que je dois faire le mien.
Things that you discover working on free software project!
Finally I’ve found a free software project. After that I forked it and now I’m working at it in local thanks to the control version git. My first feel have been similar that when you cross the door of a new place. You know that you’re outside of your confort zone so there’s only a way: learn & growth.
Colaborate in a free software project!
Be graduated doesn’t means that you can stop learning. As be fit after training hard during years doesn’t means that you can stop to workout. No, it’s means that you’re able to continue learning/training with more passion.
Sport et cryptopièces
En Espagne, on dit : “On ne fait rien même si on est payé.” Nous disons cela pour dire qui quelqu’n est paresseux. Bon J’ai trouvé ça:
Private repos for free
After last news about Github has decided to offer free private repositories to all the users. Until now if you wanted a private repo you had to pay or have a student pack.
Jekyll Updated
During the first days of this blog, it was running a Jekyll ver. 1.6 This version is too old, the current Jekyll version is 3.8.5
The Pragmatic Programmer
Reading is another way to learn and grown as programmer.
Testing the Telegram bots
I’ve seen in many Telegram groups that they use a custom bot to avoid the spammers even to kick some users who don’t respect the rules group.
Never limit yourself!
During my first year of undergraduated I felt so strange. New rules, new enviroment and “old concepts”. Wait! Old concepts? Why? We learned the programming fundamentals using C++ language. Pointers, structs and structured programming as paradigm. I did my intership in an enterprise that uses Java and OOP paradigm, you’re teaching us C++ and structured programming. I didn’t understand it even a training partner told me that “The College is still in the Stone age”. Until I discover that our OS uses it. Low level languages as C or assembly needs it. This change my mind and open it.
The New Year
Happy new year! I hope that this year you will achieve all your goals. With constancy and effort everything is possible. So let’s go for it!
The Significance Of Time
This year is ending. So today I want to say, Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
Hello World! ¡Hola Mundo! Bonjour le monde!
Welcome to my new Blog! Hello World!